I was in the field yesterday, I am in the field today,I will be in the field tomorrow. My life here is very simple, no complication.
Off road drive for one day makes people tired more than imagined. Even I who only am sitting in the (relatively) comfortable back seat, jumping back and down could have been that tired, not to mention how exhausting it can be for our security guards in the back of pickup and got direct sun or drivers who have to be fully awake throughout the day in this tricky road. We normally come back to the base around 19:00, but I could see those guards and drivers quickly ate and jump into mattress outsides. We eat, take shower and chat for around two hours, and then our days are over. I write my diary in the end of the day, and do little house keeping stuff and already feel very much like going to bed at 22:00. Life without proper lighting leads us to be loyal to sun. I start my day at 6:00 (guards and drivers start around even 4:00) and my day close at 21:30 to 22:00. It is super healthy life cycle, isn’t it.
We have generator here, but it does not provide good lighting for reading or anything productive. It is just bright enough to see where I am standing and going and anyway, if all the people around are in dead sleep, I do not feel comfortable to make even a phone call.
As I don’t bring much here and fat of life is cut off drastically. I don’t have dryer so I should wash my hair early enough to let sun dry it. I wear the cloth which washed next day, and at least I try to be clean all the time but nothing very fancy. I used up all the toilet paper, so I just should bring bucket of water to toilet.
If there is nothing, I just have to be determined. It is not very smart to be frustrated to long for something which isn’t there. Our lives can be much simpler and believe me, it is nice. I recognize my life is getting so much fat around and it is not always essential. I only ate pasta, bread and goat meat and green peppers (and rice one time). Only what we could drink is too-much-sugar milk tea (which is nice after long trip without lunch) and water. We have breakfast, then work throughout without lunch, then have supper around 19:00.
I can be grateful to be how healthy I am here, and best part is to wait for another two weeks to be in Nairobi and grab big pint of icy cold beer! It is pure privilege only given for the people whose nearest bar is 4 hours flight.
Off road drive for one day makes people tired more than imagined. Even I who only am sitting in the (relatively) comfortable back seat, jumping back and down could have been that tired, not to mention how exhausting it can be for our security guards in the back of pickup and got direct sun or drivers who have to be fully awake throughout the day in this tricky road. We normally come back to the base around 19:00, but I could see those guards and drivers quickly ate and jump into mattress outsides. We eat, take shower and chat for around two hours, and then our days are over. I write my diary in the end of the day, and do little house keeping stuff and already feel very much like going to bed at 22:00. Life without proper lighting leads us to be loyal to sun. I start my day at 6:00 (guards and drivers start around even 4:00) and my day close at 21:30 to 22:00. It is super healthy life cycle, isn’t it.
We have generator here, but it does not provide good lighting for reading or anything productive. It is just bright enough to see where I am standing and going and anyway, if all the people around are in dead sleep, I do not feel comfortable to make even a phone call.
As I don’t bring much here and fat of life is cut off drastically. I don’t have dryer so I should wash my hair early enough to let sun dry it. I wear the cloth which washed next day, and at least I try to be clean all the time but nothing very fancy. I used up all the toilet paper, so I just should bring bucket of water to toilet.
If there is nothing, I just have to be determined. It is not very smart to be frustrated to long for something which isn’t there. Our lives can be much simpler and believe me, it is nice. I recognize my life is getting so much fat around and it is not always essential. I only ate pasta, bread and goat meat and green peppers (and rice one time). Only what we could drink is too-much-sugar milk tea (which is nice after long trip without lunch) and water. We have breakfast, then work throughout without lunch, then have supper around 19:00.
I can be grateful to be how healthy I am here, and best part is to wait for another two weeks to be in Nairobi and grab big pint of icy cold beer! It is pure privilege only given for the people whose nearest bar is 4 hours flight.
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