
Someting new

I am like 5 years old kid who just got favorite toy bought by his parent. Until he is tired of it, he brings it always with him, dreams about it, whole mind goes into the new stuff.

I started two somthing new this weekend. One is this blog, the other is motorbike practice.
They have been the one of the top wish list of mine but never had proper chance to kick off.
Ever since we graduated from our school, we have less and less opportunities to do "something new". Unfortunately we will not have any more excitement whether my favorite classmate will be in my class or not in the beginning of the school year, we now knew the bitter taste of tabacco and beer,(and how good it is) and even how to flirt guys which at least is not my case ;). It is always slightly bitter, fresh and sweet to try something new. Our world is constantly expanding ever since we stepped into this world of wonder, however compared with early teenage period, our growth curve is getting looser and sometimes it can even remain the same level or degenerate....yes, that is because we tend not to try something new once we learned how to stable your life and how warm it is . Without taking extra risk, we have no problem to keep our lives going on.

Wait a minutes! We are not ready to be retired. Now that we have little bit of fortune,
things to keep, people to love and protect, but it does not mean that I do not have to go further adventure. Instead of backpack, I can bring samsonite suit case, instead of being alone, I do not mind to go with my decent buddy (if applicable), but we should not forget to do something new in our lives occasionally to make sure you do not get stuck and mossy.
Open the door, break the windor, step over the barrier, there are still lots to see and discover.

Anyway, so it is not justification, but to make myself more reachable to the new areas, I decided to learn how to ride the motorbike. So far, it is brilliant. It will be really my thing soon. Please note it is not direct influence of watching Tomb Raider 2 last week. Yes, AJ is cool, but I set my target a bit higher !! lol

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