
End of hibernation

Once it popped up my mind, there is normally no difficulty for me to put it into action, which is one of my great strength. However, whether I can maintain doing it is completely another issue. I remember last time I wrote my English blog was in Sudan....yes, it was about my motor bike lesson. It seems to be 10 years ago yet it was only one year, not I checked it, it was 2007. Damn. I have my 2 precious years blank in terms of blogging. Doesnt matter? no it doesn't. Although my brain started aging yet my years are full of dramas, ups and downs. Many things changed while more things remained unchanged. I changed my duty staiton, mobile phone, language I learn, hair style, life style and boy friend, probably much more. Things haven't been changed are: my habit of writing Japanese blog, being messy and tendency of losing my small property, and quality of life.

I decided one week before I started my new chapter in Somalia 18 June 2008, but it took more than one year to make it happen. What caused the delay? How could I be so slow? ....well, maybe because I got used to be in my environment which is inefficient and slow........? oh well, let not be so sarcastic. That is not my point. Even that Garcia Marquez said "I confirmed the fact that in the pauses between books I tended to lose the habit of writing and it was becoming more and more difficult for me to begin again." ---oh yes yes, I know exactly what you meant! Mines are not book, but just piece of scribble but princiles applied to small stuff! I should follow his policy of keeping writing "as a kind of discipline for keeping my arm in shape" My few English speaking friends keep asking "what happend your blog?" and I keep answering, "I will start sometimes soon"....then here I am! Not too late than never. Now is soon.

Anyway, one silly excuse for me not to write is; there are too many interesting stories going on here in Somalia spontaneously, popped up everywhere, and I have never dull moment to keep putting myself in front of computer for recording. They were fur more dangerous and unexpected you could probably believe. English is too public language and location and myself is so easy to identified. I didnt want to have honours to be in "hit list" in my first year as a spy who disclose the secret of South Central Somalia! Now, one year passed, and I am still breathing. I've learned a bit enough to make story in order without stepping into mire. It is about time for me to wake up and my finger should start dancing.

Well, but I decided not to tell anybody yet about my resumption of my small trial. I have to squeeze my time which is already fully packed and I want to make it interesting. As indicated in title, It is just "digestion" but should be properly spiced and have good taste. I bought my fancy Nikon (yet it is still model for amateur), so I can probably post some of vivid colours and smiles from here. Let me see how long my patience and brain keep functioning....

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